Quarantine: The Not So Pretty
In my last blog, I talked about “The Pretty”, and my oh my how quickly things have changed.
This post is a part II just to hit on my “other side of the coin”. You know, talk about some things that I am experiencing because of global shutdown, due to COVID. But can we pause for a moment and say George Floyd? Breonna Taylor? And so many more.
I, along with you can’t even believe how fast and how much things are changing. But yet and still here we are. Make sure you process this how you need to process this. Don’t let anyone tell you how. Also, take a break. Even I had to get off social media (and ya’ll know how much I enjoy it) and I most definitely deepened, became more consistent and frequent in my daily meditations. Thank God for that.
So, in regards to part II … on the other side of quarantine what’s not so pretty but I’m pushing through is: Losing my job means I lost my insurance. And ya’ll know In this day and age having health insurance is critical and hello it’s me the girl with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I need my insurance! I have recently re-applied and so now, we wait.
Until we get some news on that, my blood work and any scheduled appointments will be on hold until that insurance kicks in because who is paying out of pocket for any of it!? But no worries because this situation has encouraged me to continue making my health my priority and upping the ante on doing what I need to do to keep my immune system together + stay in the house as much as possible! And on those days when the sun is out, which is finally becoming more regular in MI, I’m out there with my SPF.
So overall being in quarantine for a woman who’s always on the go and never in town is really not so bad after all. Now, I just really want some sushi and a hug from my friends! My comfort! Can’t wait for a taste and to see a familiar face.