I’m Vegan! (Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it.)
So, I decided to go Vegan once a good friend of mine started her own catering company, Verified Vegan. I had another good friend and her husband tell me I needed to switch over once they found out about my diagnosis with Lupus ... but I didn’t even think twice about it. So once I got word my friend started her own company, I figured what better way to support by actually trying the food.
I asked if she could meal prep for me for the week of April 30th which turned out to be for 7 days, 2 meals a day lunch and dinner. She made me beef tips, lasagna, spaghetti, pulled pork, nachos and bbq chicken wings - VEGAN. The sides were yams, spinach, corn and redskin potatoes. Everything was bomb!! For breakfast I would make my own smoothie which included fruits, kale, spinach and almond milk.
After the 7 days were up and I didn’t have anymore more meal prep left and cooking Vegan doesn't sound fun at all. I got word about a Vegan restaurant called Chive Kitchen in Downtown Farmington. I had an Artichoke Po'Boy and oh - my - gee! I didn't know an artichoke could taste so goooddddd lol, it was bomb!! For the side order the Michigan Chili Cheese Fries! Just check the pic below.
On the 10th day of Vegan, my momma made for me ... (corny, ha, lol) - SALMON CROQUETTES and I caved in (judge not - it was soooo not vegan but sooooo good - they are my FAVE!) but she felt I needed the nutrients from the fish - Vitamin B12 - (which you can't get from plants, surprisingly) Omega Fatty Acids and a little extra protein, and given the Lupus, she thought going Vegan fast pace probably wasn't the best idea. One thing is for sure I would never be 100% Vegan because I take fish oil pills everyday. Unless, I can find a Vegan fish oil!? I also would need to discuss this huge change of a diet with my doctors. So, I agreed with her and said I’ll eat fish every blue moon.
Now when you become a Vegan, it’s hard as hell to join your Non-Vegan friends/coworkers for lunch and dinner parties/bbq's. They don’t get it and plus it’s nothing Vegan at any of these events and you def will crave it and possibly cave in because I found myself eating some good ole Nu wave chicken at my bff's baby shower. I was ashamed but, to my surprise I didn’t miss it at all.
I want to become a Vegan more so for the health benefits and if Queen Beyoncé can do it so can I! Once you educate yourself and dig deeper into this lifestyle you find out about the animal aspect of it and why so many people have made the huge change. I’m not quite there yet because I’m currently thinking about sushi and a lamb chop as I’m typing this.
One thing I will say is I’m very proud of myself for sticking to it for a whole 9 days because let’s face it who really dedicates themselves to a diet or workout plan without having to start over every Monday!? So yay me!
If you ever wanted to try Veganism DO IT! I felt a huge difference in myself, I had more energy and I didn't feel sluggish after a meal. Plus I lost 5 pounds in 9 days!! I’m going to keep up this new lifestyle by being more conscious once I get back out on the road and pack my own snacks. I started following several Vegan pages on IG and downloaded the app Happy Cow to help me on my journey as a semi-Vegan! So "Won't you be my neighbor!?" -Mr. Rogers voice.
Could you even tell it was Vegan?!!! J Selby's in Minneapolis! Vegan Restaurant located by using my handy dandy Happy Cow App!